Public Restroom Initiative

Advocacy for the many people who hesitate to travel or who avoid outdoor activities that put them out of range of toilet facilities. The Public Restroom Initiative provides information about, and advocates for those who suffer any medical condition that causes them or a family member to frequently, or at times urgently, need to find a  toilet when away from home.


Restroom:  a facility that provides at least one toilet and lavatory fixture

Public Restroom:  a facility that provides at least one toilet and lavatory fixture for use by the general public

Building Restrooms:  toilet facilities intended for employees, customers and building visitors

Pay Toilet:  a restroom that prevents use of at least the toilet fixture unless a fee is paid or a token is supplied

“Toilet” and “lavatory” definitions:  contained in the U.S. National Consensus Plumbing Codes

Mission Statement

Advocacy for the availability of Public Restrooms

Advocacy for the many people who hesitate to travel or who avoid outdoor activities that put them out of range of toilet facilities. The Public Restroom Initiative provides information about, and advocates for those who suffer any medical condition that causes them or a family member to frequently, or at times urgently, need to find a  toilet when away from home.

The Public Restroom Initiative is intended as an  information source for Advocates working to make life viable for the restroom challenged. .These people are the small but significant percent of the population who suffer medical conditions that cause them to frequently need a restroom when away from home.  These otherwise productive individuals are limited in their choice of work locations, in their participation in physical fitness activities, and to where and how they travel by the limited availability of public toilet facilities.  Of particular interest is the lack of United States Public Policy addressing the quality of life impediments for the Restroom Challenged.  Current Law exists to protect the health of those who need to void when away from home, but regulations lack sufficient scope and authority to comprehensively address the need for toilets in all public areas.

Our goals include the increasing public awareness of the challenge of everyday life faced by those who the Wall Street Journal says “suffer in silence”.   Long term, we are fostering the development and implementation of better Public Health Directives to eliminate the gaps in existing Federal, State and Local toilet availability codes.

The Public Restroom Initiative is endorsed by the Digestive Disease National Coalition.

“Hollywood often portrays humorously, someone hunched in urgent need of a toilet . In reality, extreme ‘duress’ is painful and often harmful!” 



Contact Us

American Restroom Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 21237
Catonsville, MD 21228

Phone:  800-247-3864

An independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2004

MEDIA: Let us connect you with the best expert to support your news and media projects.

INVENTORS, MANUFACTURERS, SUPPLIERS, & SERVICE PROVIDERS: We want to hear your stories about how you are leading change in restroom design and maintenance!

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