Regulation Links
Also see the “Where do we go?” page.
Regulation Links
- American Disabilities Association Accessibility Guidelines
- “Bathroom Bill” State Legislative Tracking (2017)
Federal Public Restroom Requirements Initiative
- FEMA Special Events Contingency Planning
- Fighting Back When Denied Access
- Guidebook for Airport Restroom Planning and Design
- Legislation, Code, and Regulation
- Maryland – Proposed Legislation for Customer Use of Restrooms
- National Model Comprehensive Building Toilet Code
- OSHA Outdoor Toilet Requirements
- Lighting
- Workplace Toilets
- Outdoor Toilet Facilities Availability Guidelines
- Plane diverted when toilets stop working (AP 12/6/17)
- Problem Areas and Solutions
- Small business regulations (6/18)
- Stores / Restaurants Overview
- Transgender Bathroom Access Laws in the United States Overview (2018)
- Transit/Transportation Drivers
Contact Us
American Restroom Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 21237
Catonsville, MD 21228

An independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2004
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INVENTORS, MANUFACTURERS, SUPPLIERS, & SERVICE PROVIDERS: We want to hear your stories about how you are leading change in restroom design and maintenance!